I hope that if you have made it to this page it is because you like my work and you are interested in having me work with you.
Let me start out by saying that I am not in this to 'get rich'. It has been truly stated: "How do you get a Million Dollars as a Photographer? Start with Two Million." That being said I do believe that an Artist is worth their work. If you are interested in having me do some work for you, I ask that you contact me with the project you have in mind, or any questions you might have. I will work with each person to find a package that will work for both of us.
So if you have a project you would like me to work with you on, please contact me and we'll discuss what costs are involved in creating our Art.
I also want to openly invite any Photographer to write me with questions. If you want to know how I lit an image, what post prossessing was used, ask away, their are no stupid questions. The only thing I might keep secret is places images were shot, some locations are hard to come by.
Thank you again for visiting my home on the web.